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The universe's simplest and most common atom is about to gain the dominant position in the energy system that its proponents have been waiting for during decades. The basis for this is that both companies and countries now hope that Hydrogen will be able to become the energy-carrier that makes it possible to reduce or completely eliminate fossil carbon dioxide emissions.

The challenges are the high costs of fossil-free hydrogen production and where mainly energy needs are seen as one of the biggest Achilles' heels. How much green, fossil-free, and large environmental benefits can be achieved with Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier, is estimated to depend on how H2 is produced and how broadly it can have an overall impact through its costs.

"Fossil-free Sweden points out in its hydrogen strategy that the currently known hydrogen projects in Sweden (including Hybrit, LKAB, Ovako, Scania, Volvo AB) could achieve an emission reduction of just over 30 percent of Sweden's national carbon dioxide emissions."

The hydrogen gas used today is mainly produced from fossil sources, such as natural gas and coal. If there is to be an environmental benefit, it must be green hydrogen that is produced, ie with the help of electricity in electrolysis or by reforming biogas or converting biomass. Most of the hydrogen gas today is manufactured by electrolysis at high temperature and under high pressure, and is thus very energy-intensive.

EGP Technology AB AB is now launching the EGP process, which provides an opportunity to use a chemical, low-temperature Fluor process that can create very pure Hydrogen as a by-product from chemical extraction of industrial waste.

Due to the fact that the process running is based on low temperature, it is also energy efficient and Hydrogen can thereby be produced in large volumes and at a very low cost. The fact that the process can also basically extract other valuable metals and rare earth metals can give basic industries extreme added value in their new "conversion productions".


The fact is that the EGP-Process does not harm the “environment” and all By-products are in demand on the market. The purity of the hydrogen obtained without additional purification will be at least 99.99%.


“EGP-Process - environmentally friendly in reality”.  “Green for Real”

As for the existing basic methods of hydrogen production (except, perhaps, electrolysis of water by the reaction 2H2O + electricity → 2H2 ↑ + O2 ↑), such as methane processing (steam reforming with steam at 1000 ° C: CH4 + H2O ↔ CO + 3H2) and coal (passing water vapor over hot coal at a temperature of about 1000 ° C: C + H2O ↔ CO + H2), and they are today called environmentally friendly, and the resulting hydrogen is mentioned as "green" due to the huge amount of CO, which is released into the atmosphere.


The purity of the produced hydrogen is only 95-98%. Even when hydrogen is obtained from biomass, such “not so clean” and so called “green” gases as CO and CH4 are released into the atmosphere.


In 2019, the world consumed 75 million tons of hydrogen, mainly in oil refining and ammonia production. More than 3/4 of this volume was produced from natural gas, for which more than 205 billion m3 of natural gas was consumed. Almost all of the rest of the hydrogen comes from coal. About 0.1% (~ 100 thousand tons) was produced by electrolysis. During the production of hydrogen, ~ 830 million tons of CO2 were released into the atmosphere.


This is a qualitative based data, which show the order of magnitude, and the process logic which we want to stress, are hereby indicated

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